
Arch Coal

Company eyes coal on Montana's Crow reservation

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) -- A mining company plans to start exploratory work this spring on an estimated 400 million tons of coal beneath Montana's Crow Indian Reservation, adding to a spate of recent interest in the region's huge coal reserves despite flagging domestic demand for the fuel.

Signal Peak Energy is eying a future mine on private property within the reservation's boundaries known as the Hope Ranch.

The exploration area covers more than 7,000 acres and is just a few miles from the neighboring Northern Cheyenne Reservation, according to an analysis of the project by federal officials. The site is about 30 miles north of the Wyoming border.

Signal Peak operates the Bull Mountain mine north of Billings and exports much of its coal to customers in Asia.

Its pursuit of coal on the reservation follows a January deal signed by Crow leaders including tribal Chairman Darrin Old Coyote that gave another company rights to lease an estimated 1.4 billion tons of coal. Wyoming-based Cloud Peak Energy agreed to pay the tribe $2.25 million up front and additional payments in coming years could add up to $10 million.

Before any decision is made on a mine at Hope Ranch, Signal Peak President John DeMichiei said the company will need to analyze drilling samples. Those will be collected in coming months to gauge the coal's quality and more accurately define how much is there.

The 400-million-ton figure is only an initial estimate, he said.

"Obviously there's a lot of potential in Montana," DeMichiei said. "We've developed a world-class operation in Signal Peak, and we have the opportunity to do that elsewhere in Montana on a similar level."

The only coal mine now on the reservation is Westmoreland Resources' Absaloka mine, which opened in 1974 and produces about 6 million tons annually.

Crow Tribe attorney Bill Watt said there have been preliminary discussions with Signal Peak, but offered no further comment.

Hope Ranch is among several sites Signal Peak is investigating, DeMichiei said. He declined to reveal details on the others and said they were not as far along.

The tribe's 2.2-million-acre reservation sits atop an estimated 9 billion coal reserve. It's located at the north end of the Powder River Basin, an arid region along the Montana-Wyoming border that produces more coal than any other part of the country.

The tribe's reserves would be enough to satisfy U.S. power plant needs for almost a decade based on current consumption rates. Yet domestic demand for the fuel has fallen off sharply over the last several years, primarily due to competition from cheap natural gas.

To offset those declines, companies including Signal Peak and Cloud Peak have stepped up sales in Asia, where demand remains strong among developing countries and industrialized nations including Japan and South Korea.

Exports last year hit record high levels.

The industry's aspirations for further growth have been challenged by environmentalists and some public officials lined up against several proposed new coal ports on the West Coast. In Montana, the industry's detractors have raised concerns that increased mining could hurt agricultural water supplies and cause congestion on rail lines used to ship the coal out of state.

Supporters say increased coal exports would spur new jobs in mining, shipping and construction.

Federal officials have given initial approval for Signal Peak's work at Hope Ranch, although the decision remains subject to appeal through March 22, said Phil Perlewitz with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

The agency has authority over the project as part of the government's Indian trust responsibilities because the site is within the reservation's boundaries, said Perlewitz.

Even though the work is being done on private land, it's expected that the company would need cooperation from the tribe to pursue a mine.

Another major player in the industry, Arch Coal, Inc., has leased a large reserve of state-owned coal just east of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. That mine, which would require a new railroad, is encountering opposition from some members of the Northern Cheyenne who fear that it will disrupt their traditional culture and increase air pollution.

Combined, the Arch and Cloud Peak proposals entail mining of 30 million tons of coal annually. If Signal Peak also pursues a mine, the three projects have the potential to roughly double Montana's annual production levels.

It's unclear how the company would get the coal off the reservation. There's little infrastructure in the area, and the exploratory work is planned about 10 miles east of the nearest rail line, owned by BNSF Railway.

DiMichiei said it was too early to discuss transportation options. At Bull Mountain, the company built a 36-mile rail spur for $105 million to connect to nearest BNSF line.

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director of the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme. "However

China becomes world's fifth largest arms exporter

STOCKHOLM (AP) — China has bypassed Britain as the world's fifth largest arms exporter, a Swedish think tank said Monday.

The volume of Chinese weapons exports rose by 162 percent in the five years 2008-2012, compared to the previous five-year period, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said in its report. That means China's share of all international arms exports increased to 5 percent from 2 percent, and the country climbed to fifth from eighth in the rankings.

The largest buyer of Chinese weapons was Pakistan, which accounted for 55 percent of the country's exports, followed by Myanmar with 8 percent and Bangladesh with 7 percent, SIPRI said.

"China's rise has been driven primarily by large-scale arms acquisitions by Pakistan," said Paul Holtom, director of the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme. "However, a number of recent deals indicate that China is establishing itself as a significant arms supplier to a growing number of important recipient states."

Such deals include the sale of three frigates to Algeria, eight transport aircraft to Venezuela and 54 tanks to Morocco, SIPRI said.

The U.S. remains the world's top arms exporter during the 2008-2012 period, with 30 percent of the global volume. Russia is second with 26 percent, Germany third with 7 percent, and France fourth with 6 percent, SIPRI said.

China's move into the top-five means Britain (now in sixth place) dropped off the list of the top five for the first time since at least 1950, the earliest year covered by SIPRI data.

The institute said Asia dominated the global imports of weapons, with the top five importers all located in that region.

Here's SIPRI's list of the top 5 arms exporters in 2008-2012 (share of international exports in parenthesis):

1. United States (30 percent).

2. Russia (26).

3. Germany (7).

4. France (6).

5. China (5).

The top 5 arms importers in 2008-2012 (share of international imports in parenthesis):

1. India (12 percent).

2. China (6).

3. Pakistan (5).

4. South Korea (5).

5. Singapore (4).

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pulled to edges

Column: Reaching for middle, pulled to edges

WASHINGTON (AP) -- It was a bipartisan spectacle, one served up for Americans craving cooperation in an era of divided government and persistent gridlock.

From one end of Pennsylvania Avenue to the other, President Barack Obama and Republicans in Congress made what seemed like an attempt to work together. Republicans dined at and a few blocks from the White House and the president visited Capitol Hill, each side essentially on the other's home turf. Talk — in public at least — focused on areas of possible collaboration. The phrase "grand bargain" was tossed around as if big, across-the-aisle deals were in the works.

If only it actually had meant a sea change. But in reality, the past few weeks simply shone the spotlight on the tension of this nation's say-one-thing-do-the-other politics.

Both Obama and House Speaker John Boehner tempered expectations — and put the onus on others to find common ground.

"We've had good conversations. But ultimately it's a matter of the House and Senate, both caucuses, getting together and being willing to compromise," Obama said, a measured prod as he left Capitol Hill after three days of meetings last week that, like the bipartisan meals of the week before, he had initiated.

Boehner was blunt: "This is going to take more than dinner dates and phone calls. It's going to take the president and Senate Democrats rolling up their sleeves, making tough choices about how we solve our nation's problems."

At the same time, Republicans and Democrats did the very opposite of reach for the middle. Each side offered up competing budget proposals filled with ideas drawn narrowly from their ideological wings. Both sides dug in on their positions.

Obama also spent time bucking up his biggest backers, who had huddled to plot how to help his agenda through Congress. Fighting for the middle class was the phrase of choice — as they gathered for two days in the posh St. Regis hotel. Organizers sought to appear nonpartisan, promising to work with people of all political stripes, albeit those who wanted to help enact "a progressive agenda." That's essentially code for Democrats who back Obama's proposals.

"What we want is to make sure that the voices of the people who put me here continue to be heard," Obama told the gathering.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party's leaders of yesterday and tomorrow courted conservative activists during an annual conference that was both a pep rally for the GOP's most ardent backers and a three-day skewering of Democrats even as questions about the party's direction hung heavy. So-called red meat — sound bites, refrains and slogans served up to energize supporters and demonize opponents — topped the menu.

"Don't tell me Republicans are out of ideas when the entire Democrat agenda was articulated during the Truman administration," the top Senate Republican, Mitch McConnell, said. "Don't tell me Democrats are the party of the future, when their presidential ticket for 2016 is shaping up to look like a rerun of the 'Golden Girls.' We've got Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan and a slew of smart, young and energetic governors ready to take America into the future. They've got Hillary and Joe Biden."

The lesson: The pressures of a system dominated by the far wings of their political parties — where liberals hold the power among Democrats and conservatives hold the power among Republicans — cause leaders to speak out of both sides of their mouths. This has become the case all too often, even though the general public says it wants collaboration and some politicians truly want to collaborate.

So is the system itself preventing it?

For both sides, the mirage of bipartisanship is a political necessity. Polls show that Americans are deeply sour on the Republican Party. Now people are turning on Obama, too; he has lost his postelection bump in surveys. So, with their actions of comity, they're both trying to send a message: We get that you want us to work together.

But, as is usually the case in politics, the show obscures the truth.

Both sides feel intense pressure to rile up their core supporters, perhaps even more than the pressure they feel to address the nation's problems. Here's why: Those who are the most polarized in America are also the most passionate, motivated to raise money, knock on doors and spread the message of their favored candidates. That means those are the people who wield the most influence over politicians — the ideological and the involved.

Not so much for the rest of the country. Centrist America is not at all homogenous in its views. It's certainly not passionate about the middle of the road. And because of that, it's much less willing to spend its time working for it. Nobody in this group marches en masse to chant, fervently, "We want common ground" — which by definition means all sides bending a bit in their beliefs.

This is not a new phenomenon.

In May 1968, Richard Nixon spoke of a "silent center" — "the millions of people in the middle of the American political spectrum who do not demonstrate, who do not picket or protest loudly."

With polarization and disgust with Washington at a high level — common wisdom in recent years has suggested that the public's appetite was ripe for supporting politicians focused on the middle ground. Yet even when conditions are ripe for compromise, and people are willing to compromise, our nation struggles with it.

Even when the center of the electorate does get a burst of passion, often there's nothing for it to stick to because — in this system, at least — no candidate who takes the middle ground makes it very far. Efforts to draft like-minded candidates, through groups called Unity08 and Americans Elect, fizzled. And No Labels — described as Democrats, Republicans and "everything in between dedicated to the politics of problem-solving" — has generated little, if any, traction.

Despite this cantankerous environment, recent weeks have brought moments of true compromise.

Three times in as many months, Congress passed laws with bipartisan support: expanding the Violence Against Women Act, extending Superstorm Sandy aid and avoiding a "fiscal cliff" of automatic tax increases and spending cuts that economists said would have set back the slow-growing economy. Democrats drove the train on all three; Boehner, recognizing the perilous politics for his party should he block votes, agreed to break his usual stance that he wouldn't bring a measure to the floor without most Republicans supporting it.

What's more, Republicans and Democrats also are showing signs of coming together to overhaul the immigration system, if not other matters like cybersecurity.

Such developments may suggest the starting point of a period of increased compromise — the conflicting images of the past few weeks, and Washington's history of speaking out of both sides of its mouth, aside. Silent though it may be, the center still pulls.


EDITOR'S NOTE — Liz Sidoti is the national politics editor for The Associated Press. Follow her on Twitter: http://twitter.com/lsidoti

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